Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Weekend - Hurray!!

It's the first day of Labour Day Weekend - considered the last weekend of camping for the year, especially tent or RV camping. In Labrador lots people head off to their cabins just as they would any other weekend throughout the year. It's also harvest time. Already we have picked blueberries and raspberries and had some new potatoes, carrots, turnip greens and fresh cabbage leaves, but in September most people dig their potatoes and bring in any vegetables that would be damaged by frost. I usually pick the last of my rhubarb and bring in my houseplants. The lawn will probably get its last grooming for the season and the yard will get tidied away before that huge blanket of snow hides everything for the long winter. It's not that it needs to be done right now, but it's the last holiday from work until November 11. By then it's plenty chilly.

Summer is still here though. We have a beautiful sunny day with 20 degrees celcius at 8:45 am. A gentle breeze blows the aspen and birch leaves with just a few spots of yellow amidst the green. My empty clotheslines lurk outside my patio waiting to be filled, my barbecue and picnic table wait invitingly on the patio and my shasta daisies beckon me to the garden for one more look. It promises to be another beautiful day.