Sunday, August 21, 2005

Often when people are not sure what to talk about, they talk about the weather and stay away from subjects like politics and religion (that’ll come later!). So to begin my blog I will do just that – talk about the weather.

God has blessed us with a wonderful summer. In May, long before the first official day of summer in June, we had temperatures reaching 30 degrees Celsius. The hot dry days have balanced out the warm wet days enough to keep the forest fires in check and the berries growing. However, just as summer was early, so comes the fall. This week we had a good shower of hailstones. The sun comes up later and the evenings are closing in fast. A walk around my garden after supper confirms this when I feel the cool damp air, smell the earth in the evening dew and the hint of wood smoke in the air.

A few days ago before I went to work I took another walk around my garden to admire its fast fading beauty. Too soon the frost will stiffen and wilt the remaining stems and they will be covered in a blanket of snow. I caught a few of the images in megapixels to help me remember and prolong their beauty.

I think there may be an old wives tale or folklore that talks about when the squirrels gather food and hoard it away during the summer; it will be a hard long winter. Well this little fellow that I found eating from my bird feeder on the back patio wasn’t hoarding any food away – he was living for the moment! When he heard me, he turned around and posed for the camera.

You may have noticed that I mentioned God, yet planned to stay away from politics and religion today. Well, I kept my promise. God is part of everything. We cannot go anywhere that he is not. Religion on the other hand… ok...ok. Maybe another time!

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